Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thursday Week 4

Chapter 12 Reflection:

Chapter 12 is once again one of the most important aspects of teaching and that is the importance of motivation. Otherwise it's interesting to read about the Hierarchy of Needs once again because it's weird putting your life up to that pyramid.

It's Smarter to Travel in Groups reflection:

These videos cover a basic concept that should always be taken into consideration when working on a difficult project, that your never alone and having others help you can only be a benefit. I want this lesson to be true in my classroom too as the classroom should be a big team and I should only be the "leader" in the fact that I am an expert in the knowledge they can go to for a definite answer. I want my class to be based around working off of each other and group effort and discussions to get to final answers and I can use this video to show why it's important to have a team.

The pedagogy wheel reflection:

The pedagogy wheel is an interesting thing shown to me in a previous class. I think its a great resource but this specific one in this discussion is a bit hectic in the fact is has so many words and so much information in a small space. The one addition to this wheel is the fact that it has technology tied to it to influence the use of technology in the classroom which as I said before is a great aspect to the classroom of today.

Paul Anderson on the Flipped Classroom

I know Paul Anderson from a hard year in Genetics and I think he has a lot of understanding on classroom etiquette. I think he had a great overview of the issues when it comes to the Flipped Classroom in that equity is a very important thought when it comes to this in that all students don't have computers to view your powerpoints or lessons at home. Also a lot of students are very busy at home being care takers, working, or doing important things in their lives that don't have the time to learn something on their own. I think that flipping the class has strengths that it's a strategy that you need to discuss it with your students before you in-act this lesson strategy. 



Who is the character, and what is his or her primary goal?
Forest Gump, his goal was to see his loved ones live a happy life and to assist them how he could.

Analyze the character's motivation from two different perspectives

His humanistic perspective would show how he's very socially built to help others. His socio-cultural perspective would be that his protection from Jenny left his need to make her happy.

What kind of attributions would this character be like if they couldn't achiever their goals.

I don't think he'd be able to live with himself as evidenced by the extreme lengths to fulfill anything he felt his friends needed to make them happy.


I think an effective teacher is a teacher who can go with the flow and they can change their teaching style to fit their class and can pick up any of the difficulties their students or classes are suffering with and help those students out. I think an effective teacher requires an expert and someone who has mastered the topic and can relay the information to their students in a comfortable and easy manner that makes the students comfortable. An effective teacher should be on a talking level with their students and be able to converse with them and see them as people instead of just work, I think an effective teacher shouldn't get burnt out and should find a passion in their work and love going each and every day. 

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