Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tuesday 07/05/16

Chapter 3 Reflection:

Chapter 3 was a fun read for me because it covered such an interesting topic with self-concept. Self-concept is a crazy thing that I am not sure anyone masters throughout their lives because we always are such harsh critics on ourselves and it shines through in our adolescent phase where it is such a life changing time with a lot of influences on such young lives. This time in a students life is so crazy it is just amazing to see how I made it through it and came out as someone who is completely different then the person before and how that experience happens to everyone you know and will teach. The idea that someone has to go through so much stress/change/peer pressure and many other things while trying to find out who they are just sounds so crazy on paper that it's amazing its such a common thing.

Chapter 4 Reflection:

Chapter 4 was basically a summary of a class I took last semester called Psychology of the Exceptional Learner which covered students with disabilities as well as the acts and laws in place to protect and help them learn which is a great thing to see in today's day and age and I also got to work with a teacher that was amazing and really cared for her kids and saw the potential in them to do just as hard work as their peers.

Anita's Podcast:

Anita's Podcast covers a lesson Dr. Hollibush was very thorough in teaching me in the fact that culture is a huge aspect of teaching especially when you start teaching in a new area with very different cultures then you are used it to and it's very important to learn cultures fast to be respectful of your students and their families. One good way to achieve this would be to talk to your fellow teachers to ask if they know of any students with particular needs to their culture and work off that or to otherwise always make sure to talk to your students and be open with them.

Chapter 5 Create:

My collage is about how big social media has come to be part of every students life. Students always have a phone in their possession to tap into these many outlets of information and knowledge and there really isn't a filter there for them. Another aspect of my collage is how media has defined certain social standards in life such as the fact that people should want to have these skinny bodies and wear revealing and clothing that may be uncomfortable for them. This is even furthered in our celebrity society because you never see them dressed down or any of them overweight. The picture in the top left corner is to show how media has glorified sexual experiences and it gives young impressionable students the idea that being sexually active at young ages is expected and the norm. Finally at the bottom left the picture of the gun is to signify how much media today puts emphasis on crimes and goes very in detail about them without any filter on all the various news outlets. Some people even claim that media tends to glorify certain perpetrators giving a reason for people to redo these heinous acts to achieve the sort of notoriety the people before them achieved. All of this could effect my classroom because all of these things are further stressors on impressionable youth I will be teaching and can definitely define certain standards on a social level. 


While looking up videos about violence in schools I made sure to filter from videos of the past year to see what was relevent recently, then I further divided my search by one news site (, one user moderated site (, and one general search site ( These came up with very interesting results in the fact that the top 15 results from Youtube were all black violence related while Pix11 were mainly about general school violence in New York. Finally Google seemed to combine the two but that mainly might be due to the fact Google will prefer Youtube videos since they own the company. 

The first link I reviewed was the top Youtube result was a video with just cuts from black violence in school and was very heavily racist which started out with "Black schools are a hot mess of chaos and violence" which just lead me to dismiss the video as it obviously had other agendas, especially furthered by the uploader promoting his book,  Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization"

The second link was the top result from Pix11 and talked about New York City's public school system and the fight between a company called Excellent Schools and the New York government where the company Excellent Schools was claiming there was a 23% increase in school violence and the governor claimed that violence was on an all time low. This was interesting because no one had the information on the site to back it up and both sides of the argument would have reason to lie as Excellent Schools is a charity group that has been a common enemy of the New York school system.

For my third video I picked a Youtube link that seemed a little more productive then the first two and it is basically an eight minute collage of pictures and narrates types of violence in school and then the second half contains things students and people of a community can do to help. It was an alright video covering very basic ideas and topics but good over all in the sense it gave a very broad spectrum of school violence.


My school classroom will be a science class, probably biology or chemistry, in a high school that has all types of students including the ones who struggle with school to the excellent as well as the students who love science to the ones who couldn't care less. I intend on being the teacher that unites all the different types of students in my class in an environment of comfort and excitement. I want my classroom to consist of a stress free and hands on environment because I truly believe that is the best way for people to learn. I intend on creating an air of comfort between teacher and student that involves the understanding that I still am the instructor but that doesn't mean I won't be reasonable and open to change my lessons or to focus more on what my students are interested in, in the science field that isn't off topic. I want to be more of a guiding hand in learning then the person who can repeat the text book.

TED Talks on Brain Disorders and Dyslexia:

These two videos were very interesting. I really enjoyed the TED talk on brain disorders in the fact that the man spent a lot of time talking about facts of previous illnesses that we barely even recognize anymore because of how far along we have come in understanding and treating them. Then when he switched tracks to the brain disorders we are better understanding everyday now, it all clicked that maybe this is something we can see as a "thing of the past" like all of these old diseases that we have overcome. Mental illness is a very prevalent thing that we have had hard times breaking the code of, but we are cracking that code faster every day which is an amazing outlook on the future and gives me great hope. I truly loved this video and it kind of opened my eyes to that even being a possibility.

The dyslexia video is a great video for anyone who doesn't fully understand the disease. The speaker is a great talker, the videos animation is very entertaining and informative and it is a great quick look at dyslexia and how big of a disease it really is and how broad that "spectrum" you always hear about can be. It was a fun quick watch that really broke down a difficult to explain concept which is great.


Assessment Week 1

Videos I found interesting:

This video covered a group of students who searched out to group of primary sourced materials to answer a document-based question in preparation for their upcoming regents exams. This was an impressive video to me because it let the students get a hands on view of what was important in a source material and allowed them to see for themselves what made a source valid and have the proper credentials to be used as a primary source in a way that was fun and easy to understand. This also was a great way for the students to do this in a light unpressured way before being thrown into the scary environment set up by the regent exams.

This video was interesting to me because it would be a useful activity in my future classroom where it really shows the students a first hand experience at what a scientific discussion would be like. In this video they needed to use scientific evidence to back up arguments and points while working off of each others data.

This video was a good example of giving students a sense of responsibility and to even take responsibility in a classroom which is an important aspect of life. This is a very real world lesson and it's great showing that they can start teaching it at such a young age in the video because its a lesson that will benefit the students throughout their lives.


Above is a basic rubric I would use for a project based around cell structure and it would be a good way to assess my students understanding of a basic animal cell. This project would allow the students to recreate what they learned in class and be able to visualize what they have been reading about to make it easier to understand.

Evaluate: Authentic Assessments

I used this assessment over a test or homework because personally as a student I absolutely hated tests and I feel like I never learned anything from a test and when I took a test I feel that I showed that I knew less than I actually did. So to avoid that I am going to try teaching with as little stress as achievable while allowing my students equal opportunity to show me that they know the course material in a way that is fun and educational. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016

Day 3 (6/30)

Thursday 6/30/2016

Chapter 1 Reflections

Chapter 1 was mainly just a reinforcement and review for me as I learned a lot of this information through both previous psych classes as well as my teaching classes. It was a good refresher though and helped me review a lot of things I was kind of unsure of since it has been awhile since I took those classes. The ideas of No Child Left Behind has caused a lot of controversy throughout America when it was first released but it has an idea that everyone should share in the fact that all students should have equal education and opportunities in the school system. This also extends to the fact we shouldn't just focus on the smarter classes or students and should make an effort to bring all the students up to the same level.

Chapter 2 Reflections

Chapter 2 had a little more meat in them as well as containing some refreshing material for me. The one thing that was nice about it though was that it held a much more in-depth view into the look of both Piaget and Vygotsky's theories of cognitive development. This lead to me learning a lot more about the two and gave me a small idea of where the basis of why most classrooms are developed in the fashion they are. It was fun reading in the way that both men kind of gave this idea as in it shows their ideas on why children learn a certain way and how, but after reading about many different theories of learning I believe you can see bits of truth in all of them. By this I mean that you can see where Piaget might be correct in the idea that development precedes socialization because of the idea that you need to develop some sort of self before socializing and developing the ability to learn from socialization. On the other hand though you could see how Vygotsky could be correct in the fact that socialization is an important aspect of development! Personally I see worth in both of these theories and a bit of truth I think we can all relate to.

Anita's Podcast:

As a teacher, how will you react when your principal and fellow teachers discuss last years test results at your first staff meeting? 

I feel this will be a very scary scenario with the feeling that everyone will be looking at me and making assumptions based on how I did in my first year which just amplifies the fear.

What will you do if your students don’t meet their annual yearly progress goals?

I would be very disappointed in myself and reach out to the many teachers I know and the teachers I work with and ask for advice and look for any changes I could make to better my work and achieve better results without the sacrifice of my compassion for teaching.

How will you work within the constraints that standardized testing puts on your job?

"test's define the curriculum" - Anita. This is one of things I as a teacher really want to stray away from. I don't want my classroom environment to be one of fear of testing and homework but instead a group effort to learn and take the material and find some interest and joy in it. I of course will include the testing materials in my classroom, but not in a testing form, instead I will make it more relatable and interesting.

Did you know that "teacher involvement and caring is the most significant predictor of a student's engagement in school from 1st through 12th grade?"

I can't say this quote is surprising at all because personally I stayed close with a lot of my teachers in high school throughout the years and would always reach out to them if I ever needed help in their area of education or if I needed a letter of recommendation. They were definitely my core education group when it came to any help I needed in school outside my family or friends because sometimes they could offer an insight my family or friends couldn't. Also last year when I did in class observations I got to see an example of a lower class school and how much the teacher bonded with her students and they acted like a family. She would check in on how their personal lives were with problems or unique experiences and give her personal opinions and insights and was very "real" with them. It was genuinely one of my favorite experiences to witness in a classroom.

What impressed you the most? What are your "take aways" from the speech?

I think what impressed me the most was the thing I mentioned above about being "real" with your students. The fact she said that she went into her class to apologize is something I know a lot of teachers definitely wouldn't have the guts to do and I find that sad. Teaching isn't just about giving the students the information it's one person sharing their knowledge with a class and it should be a bonding experience. She also talks about how people don't learn from anyone but friends and I find that true as well and we all know that one teacher we liked and how much we learned in that classroom.

Day 2 (7/29)

Wednesday 7/29/2016

After browsing through the Educational Psychology: Foundation for Teaching websites I found some interesting articles throughout the website as well as some issues. I found that almost half of the websites provided on the website lead to down websites with DNS issues that inhibited me from examining them throughout the day. This sadly seemed to be an issue continuing on throughout the websites leading to dead links and dead ends.

Continuing on with my WebQuest I went on a search to find a research study I could relate to I found a research conducted last year that focused on the amount of homework we are giving students today and how much we should be giving them. This study, which took place in 2015, broke down the pros and cons of homework by grade level and effectiveness throughout the years a student will stay in school.

The study I reviewed was a correlations study because it used grades between classes with longer and shorter work loads and the effect it had on the students grades and levels.

After the study concluded it ended up showing that giving an amount of homework that worked in an effective manner increased with age. This means that as a student gets older they are able to handle bigger work loads with homework that would end up being beneficial to the student. This may sound obvious but it's not because of the reasons we normally would assume. The reasons that an older student is able to take on bigger amounts of homework as they age pertains to the fact that in their younger years students need to focus more on how to learn then the just the course material. This means that younger students have more of a focus on the ability to study as well as the ability to obtain the information which is something I can relate to as a student because before college I felt like I didn't have the tools to be able to learn the material on my own and know exactly what would be the best method of doing so.

This study honestly just confirms what I wanted to take into my future classrooms with the ideas of not focusing too much on homework and using it as a crutch to fill in where I don't do enough teaching. I've come to get this view because of how many teachers I have had that use homework as busy work instead of actual content and valuable information.
