Friday, July 22, 2016

Tuesday Week 4

Chapter 10 Reflection

Chapter 10 is the chapter I definitely most relate to in this book so far. It focuses on the fact of the constructivist theory and how it's learning style is based on hands on and self experiences to learn material. I relate to this because this is the only true way I feel like I learn things from my classrooms. If I have a class where I am going through the knowledge in a hands on or experience where I am indulged into it I learn the material right away and feel comfortable with it. When I learn material through power points and lectures I feel like it either takes awhile and a bit of practice to understand or I don't truly grasp the material at the end of the class. I plan on using the constructivist theory in my classes as I think all students have a better time learning and a more in-depth experience with this teaching style.

Fish is Fish Review

This video is related to learning because the fish heard all of these stories from his friend tadpole but was seeing what tadpole explaining is his own frame of reference and was unable to be able to understand the complete picture tadpole was painting. He then needs to experience being above water for himself to truly understand the material. This directly relates to students in the way that telling them something allows them to take what your saying and do the best they can to comprehend it but if a student gets the ability to experience a lesson first hand they will fully understand the material.



I personally don't have any social media accounts but most of my family or friends have some sort of account online. I previously was a member of Facebook in high school but have since deleted that account. I also don't know if any of my classmates are connected but it seems like we aren't since there's very few of us.
From a teacher's perspective I think it's important to know your student's relationships because it's important to understand your students as people too. This knowledge can be used to your benefit too with certain things like seating patterns, project groups, or just suggesting study buddies to your students.


 Cognitive apprenticeships are important in any classroom and especially in a science classroom when it comes to labs. This can be used almost every week showing students how to perform new tasks or to use new tools when it comes to experiments or studies and allows the students to observe and question before diving in themselves. It also creates a barrier of safety for labs of difficulty or dangerous components.

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