Sunday, July 31, 2016

Jean Piaget Project Reflection

Jean Piaget Project Reflection

This project was a fun way to learn a little more about Jean Piaget and his additions to psychology as a whole. The thing I find most interesting about him is that he got into this field by first being a test grader and developer who just wanted to find a little more out about his field and he went the extra mile (or couple of miles!) to find out and develop an understanding that we still use today!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Tuesday Final Week!

Chapter 13 Create:

My classroom:

This layout is to encourage group discussion and group work which is the main focus of my teaching style to encourage a healthy and happy learning environment.


This is an article written by Thomas R. Kratochwill, Rachel DeRoos, and Samantha Blair of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This talks about the importance of motivation and management and is a guide on how to do these things and studies done to show proof of effectiveness.

This is a link covering multiple teachers write ups of their first year in the field and what they suggest to do and not do. It's a basic overview of what they believed in the class vs what they experienced which is a great write up and a great thing to read over before starting your first year.


Chapter 14 Reflection
Chapter 14 goes into what makes an effective teacher. I think Dr. Woolfolk had great views on what makes an effective teacher but I think there's just too much to write about what makes an effective teacher and that's because of how in-depth it is. And at the end of the day an effective teacher is just someone who gets the lesson from their minds to their students in a way that's easy for the student to keep the information in mind.



Cell structure

This lesson covers all fourof the learning objectives in a nice sequence of lessons. 
Itcovers cognitive by covering a topic they know but don't understand yet. It covers effective learning by allowing the students to first learn and understand the basics of cell structure and it's functions. The third part of the lessons covers behavioral learning by allowing them to conceptualize the material. The final part allows them to use psycho motor in the fact that they have to now create a model showing all of these parts of the cell using their understanding. 


My Daily reflection outline:

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Thursday Week 4

Chapter 12 Reflection:

Chapter 12 is once again one of the most important aspects of teaching and that is the importance of motivation. Otherwise it's interesting to read about the Hierarchy of Needs once again because it's weird putting your life up to that pyramid.

It's Smarter to Travel in Groups reflection:

These videos cover a basic concept that should always be taken into consideration when working on a difficult project, that your never alone and having others help you can only be a benefit. I want this lesson to be true in my classroom too as the classroom should be a big team and I should only be the "leader" in the fact that I am an expert in the knowledge they can go to for a definite answer. I want my class to be based around working off of each other and group effort and discussions to get to final answers and I can use this video to show why it's important to have a team.

The pedagogy wheel reflection:

The pedagogy wheel is an interesting thing shown to me in a previous class. I think its a great resource but this specific one in this discussion is a bit hectic in the fact is has so many words and so much information in a small space. The one addition to this wheel is the fact that it has technology tied to it to influence the use of technology in the classroom which as I said before is a great aspect to the classroom of today.

Paul Anderson on the Flipped Classroom

I know Paul Anderson from a hard year in Genetics and I think he has a lot of understanding on classroom etiquette. I think he had a great overview of the issues when it comes to the Flipped Classroom in that equity is a very important thought when it comes to this in that all students don't have computers to view your powerpoints or lessons at home. Also a lot of students are very busy at home being care takers, working, or doing important things in their lives that don't have the time to learn something on their own. I think that flipping the class has strengths that it's a strategy that you need to discuss it with your students before you in-act this lesson strategy. 



Who is the character, and what is his or her primary goal?
Forest Gump, his goal was to see his loved ones live a happy life and to assist them how he could.

Analyze the character's motivation from two different perspectives

His humanistic perspective would show how he's very socially built to help others. His socio-cultural perspective would be that his protection from Jenny left his need to make her happy.

What kind of attributions would this character be like if they couldn't achiever their goals.

I don't think he'd be able to live with himself as evidenced by the extreme lengths to fulfill anything he felt his friends needed to make them happy.


I think an effective teacher is a teacher who can go with the flow and they can change their teaching style to fit their class and can pick up any of the difficulties their students or classes are suffering with and help those students out. I think an effective teacher requires an expert and someone who has mastered the topic and can relay the information to their students in a comfortable and easy manner that makes the students comfortable. An effective teacher should be on a talking level with their students and be able to converse with them and see them as people instead of just work, I think an effective teacher shouldn't get burnt out and should find a passion in their work and love going each and every day. 

Wednesday Week 4

This video compared the "old ways" of teaching to the "new ways" of constructivism. I think choosing one or the other as a whole teaching method is definitely not the way to teach. I think as teachers we need to be very flexible with our lesson plans as that is the best way to keep your students interested and active in your classroom. You should also be able to mesh different teaching styles together to work your material into the classroom.

Jigsaw Review:

I have parts of the jigsaw method that I like and dislike. For one I like the idea of a class working as a team effort as I feel they always should. The one thing I find iffy about it is that you want to be cautious using this with overly complicated lessons as a small group might understand an intense part of it but may have difficulty introducing it to the others in their class which will leave a divide in understanding in your classroom. I definitely plan on using this in my classroom but will make sure the lesson is appropriate for the practice.

Technology in Teaching review:

I think technology is something we as teachers should be happy about and embrace in our classrooms as a way to get the knowledge to our students in an easier function. The one thing I think teachers are scared of is having teachers use technology as the main way to teach when I think instead it should be used as an assistant instead of the main focus of a classroom. I plan on using the internet in all of my classes as well as cellphones when appropriate. I had one class this year that had an app on your phone to answer questions on a power point which was very fun and hands on as well as it gave the teacher a view as to how much the students were absorbing the information.

Motivation in teaching review:

Motivation is one of the top tier important things us teachers need to focus on because even the most bright students seem dim. This doubles for students struggling in the class because if they aren't interested or motivated to learn the material then they aren't going to try and figure out why they're failing or work to fix it. I for one am a student and person in general who struggles with motivation and suffer because of it and wish I had better motivators in my life.


This covers the why and goals of setting goals for yourself and tips on how to do so. Rather short but a good quick read on the basics.

This download link leads to a powerpoint covering the development of educational goals. It's a nice overview and potentially something you could show to your students in the beginning of the year to help them understand the importance of setting goals and how it can help them learn.

This covers goal setting with the idea of the acronym SMART:
S pecific
M easurable
A ttainable
R ealistic
T imely

to set up their goals. It's actually a very throughout site with great tips to help students.


Learn to play pool

This is a video covering the basics of the game pool and uses a step by step video and how the use of angles is crucial to the game.

LEARN to swim FREESTYLE / Front Crawl in 3 Steps *Tutorial for BEGINNERS Kids or Adults

This is a video covering how to swim freestyle having an instructor cover the basics in a pool with a video camera showing the steps.

How To Finely Chop An Onion

This is a step by step way to cover how to chop and onion. This video shows his style and what to avoid as well as what to accomplish which is a great form of modeling.


I think social media is the land of uncertainty for young students as well as something that they feel they use as a way to fit in to society. I think it's important to teach students that your internet history is never erased and they need to be wary of what they write on the internet because it can all be recalled by anyone. You should always be aware of putting anything strongly worded with concerns for peoples reactions and just be careful.

Friday, July 22, 2016

Tuesday Week 4

Chapter 10 Reflection

Chapter 10 is the chapter I definitely most relate to in this book so far. It focuses on the fact of the constructivist theory and how it's learning style is based on hands on and self experiences to learn material. I relate to this because this is the only true way I feel like I learn things from my classrooms. If I have a class where I am going through the knowledge in a hands on or experience where I am indulged into it I learn the material right away and feel comfortable with it. When I learn material through power points and lectures I feel like it either takes awhile and a bit of practice to understand or I don't truly grasp the material at the end of the class. I plan on using the constructivist theory in my classes as I think all students have a better time learning and a more in-depth experience with this teaching style.

Fish is Fish Review

This video is related to learning because the fish heard all of these stories from his friend tadpole but was seeing what tadpole explaining is his own frame of reference and was unable to be able to understand the complete picture tadpole was painting. He then needs to experience being above water for himself to truly understand the material. This directly relates to students in the way that telling them something allows them to take what your saying and do the best they can to comprehend it but if a student gets the ability to experience a lesson first hand they will fully understand the material.



I personally don't have any social media accounts but most of my family or friends have some sort of account online. I previously was a member of Facebook in high school but have since deleted that account. I also don't know if any of my classmates are connected but it seems like we aren't since there's very few of us.
From a teacher's perspective I think it's important to know your student's relationships because it's important to understand your students as people too. This knowledge can be used to your benefit too with certain things like seating patterns, project groups, or just suggesting study buddies to your students.


 Cognitive apprenticeships are important in any classroom and especially in a science classroom when it comes to labs. This can be used almost every week showing students how to perform new tasks or to use new tools when it comes to experiments or studies and allows the students to observe and question before diving in themselves. It also creates a barrier of safety for labs of difficulty or dangerous components.

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Thursday Week 3

Chapter 9 Review

Chapter nine covered the topic of meta cognition, study strategies, and thinking strategies all based on studying and learning. This was an interesting chapter to me because I find the idea of meta cognition absolutely interesting and a very fun topic to cover. The idea that we think about our thinking to find a better way to do things is an awesome idea and it takes a lot of self reflection and helps you understand how you work a little more. It's interesting thinking about how meta cognition can be a core concept in learning and I never thought of my teachers teaching it to me let alone me as a teacher teaching it to my students.


The Sodium Potassium Pump Project

This is a project that can be done in small groups aimed at high school students in which they design a diagram or physical representation of the sodium potassium pump. This lesson would include them researching both the actions and causes of the sodium potassium pump and make them replicate them in a project to the point of understanding the concept. This works as a transfer of knowledge because of the fact the students can work together and make a physical copy of a difficult concept and use each other's knowledge to come together and figure it out.


I used to search "high school science lesson plans" and clicked the first three options.

What are the strengths of these websites? What are the weaknesses?

The strengths of these websites depends on which you're visiting. Some of them are moderated by the owners of the website who review and edit the lessons for inaccuracies while others are peer reviewed and give you an insight to how the lessons will work in your class. The weaknesses on the other hand are just the opposite. These lessons can be very class specific and might not be as effective in your class and it won't allow you to refresh your memory on certain topics before teaching in the class, making it harder to teach.

Who created these lesson plans? Is there any way to submit feedback to find out about the success of the lesson plans?

These lesson plans are all created by former or current teachers. There is a way to submit feedback on most of these sights but not all of them, meaning that you can't see how effective the lessons were.


Developing Critical Thinking Skills in the High School English Classroom by Genal Hove

"Repeated student exposure to critical thinking practices will assist students in all academic disciplines, as well as translate to life beyond high school"

This sentence pretty much sums up the article and how this could be used in my future classrooms. The more a student uses critical thinking, the more comfortable they will be with it, and the more they will use it in their every day lives. This makes me want to make sure my students use critical thinking as much as possible in their every day lives.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Wednesday Week 3

Chapter 8 Reflection:

Chapter 8 covered a lot of how learning is actually taken on by students and how the brain works in a sense of taking on new information as well as the process of storing and recalling it. All of this was very interesting to read and made for a lot the bones of what makes teaching possible which is cool.


How to tie your shoes!