Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Tuesday Week 3

Chapter 7 Review

This chapter covered behaviorism and the use of reinforcements in classroom and the effect it has on the students as well as the effectiveness of the uses of each type of reinforcement. This was as interesting read and always something to remind us how we were treated as students and what the teacher's intentions were as well as a good heads up of how we should use these types of reinforcements in our classrooms.




What are they selling?

Proactive, a skin treatment for acne.

Whom are they marketing to?

Teens going through puberty.

How are they using behaviorist principles in their persuasion practices
They use a famous actor who's the age of adolescents to relate to adolescents going through puberty and how he uses proactive to deal with the same exact problems they are going through. This gives them someone to relate to who they potentially look up to that uses something they can easily afford.


Lelli Kelly Shoes

What are they selling?


Whom are they marketing to?

Young girls

How are they using behaviorist principles in their persuasion practices

They sell a plastic phone with makeup inside showing the girls putting it on and using a "phone" when it was something that they wouldn't be socially engaged in at that age but something they aspire to do as they see the people they look up to performing these actions on a day to day basis.

What kind of social information do these people allow their friends to see (pictures, group membership)?

All three of people shared their pictures, relationship status, and friends.
What would you learn about acceptable behavior after looking at this person's profile page?

My three friends showed that they present basic facts about themselves without being too telling or giving out too much personal information which is a good safe practice.

How might the distinction between learning and performance apply to the people who are posting on these sites? What might lead them to post more than they know they "should"?

The distinction between learning and performance apply to the people posting on this site by prior experiences they may have had or certain stories they have heard in the news or through friends that shape how they present their public profiles. A certain scenario that may lead to people posting more than they should would be following by example, as in seeing others posting things that are personal information and following suit.

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