Sunday, July 10, 2016

Week 2

Chapter 5 Reflection:
Chapter 5 was another chapter I could relate to from my previous classes. Dr. Hollibush did a great job covering the ideas of culture in the classroom as well as how to be respectful and to not turn students away from their culture while teaching them the academic language. What makes this so important is it shows the students that its good to be who they are and completely acceptable and encouraged, but we all need to act professional in certain situations which is a very important lesson.


Going through the literacy websites I found one in particular that really stood out to me for usefulness. That was which is a link to the part of the website which really intrigued me because it contains a huge database with a search engine that has very specific parameters. You can search by age, time period, ethnicity of protagonist, genre, type of book (as in picture or novel), awards won, and many other to really define what type of book you are looking for. Its a great resource to attend to both the interests and needs of the student which is great.


Relate: My first month in a new country and school

Dear Diary,
This past month has been a very interesting time for me. I'm surrounded by a language I don't fully grasp yet, a new set of people who I can't exactly talk to or communicate with fully, and a whole new school system to fit into. I'm currently using my smart phone to translate anything I don't understand on text and trying to pick up as much of the language as I can. The other kids look at me uncomfortably knowing I can't speak good and I hope they don't relate that to me being dumb or anything like that. Otherwise I love the new area and theirs a lot to explore and a lot of new customs to understand. My biggest fears currently are the fact that I won't pick up the language leading to failing school and not being able to get a job or an education and may end up depending on my parents and being a burden to my family.

Chapter 6 Reflection:

Chapter 6 was a good look into how in-depth cultures get and how those connections can really influence how a class or student behaves in certain situations or to certain aspects of your class. This chapter was more content covering being respectful and always taking that step back to make sure you are understand that there is much more depth to your student then you can ever understand and you need to be respectful of that and respectful to your students always.



The current event I chose is a rather recent and sad one about the shooting in Dallas, Texas which included a former military officer shooting into an active protest by the Black Lives Matter group killing five police officers. This happened just this week and after the investigation was completed they found that the shooter was very planned out in his attack and aimed for white officers citing how upset he was about black youths being killed by white officers.

I found two very different sources covering the events taking place as well as interviews of the people that were part of the protest. CNN covered this sad day giving the updates of what his motives were, what his plans were, where he was, and the officers whose lives were taken. In the video they show interviews with the police chief, the people of the protest, and many others.

In This video we see a man calling some of these interviews a hoax and that they were trained actors to react to these events for an interview.

The difference in these two is one is a well sourced and reviewed news site, while the other is a single person uploading a video and reviewing it without any proof or sources to create a sort of conspiracy.

This is a rather drastic showing of how both moderated and moderated things make it to the internet and why you always need to be checking on certain things you read on the internet sources and information.

Relate: Hidden Biases

Test taken: Anxiety Brief Implicit Association Test

"Your score on the anxiety symptom scale indicates that you are experiencing a fairly high level of anxiety right now."

How do you think most teachers would do on the tests you took?

I think a lot of people in today's day and age would have higher levels of anxiety because of how stressful life can be and this goes the same for teachers. Teaching takes a lot of work inside and outside school and can be very demanding.

How would the context in which you teach (suburban, urban, rural, early, middle, or high school, etc.) influence your answers on this scale?

Yet again I think teaching of all ages causes a level of anxiety with making curriculum's, homework, and lesson plans for each class and day. Also having to interact with students brings its own level of anxiety.

How do you think a teacher’s hidden biases could influence students? At what point developmentally do you think teacher biases become influential to a student?

Hidden biases definitely can influence students because I think almost all students look at teachers as a person to be like when they get older as teachers are seen as wise and have a very respectful job. This goes on into small amounts of modeling shown by the students after their teachers and I think this effects the students all throughout school up until college.


  1. While creating the gifted program funding pie chart, do you think that it's horrible for so many programs to be not mandated and not funded? I think it's crazy considering how important gifted programs are for student success.

  2. While creating the gifted program funding pie chart, do you think that it's horrible for so many programs to be not mandated and not funded? I think it's crazy considering how important gifted programs are for student success.

    1. I think it's definitely a sad statistic but it makes me wonder if we're only getting a smaller picture of the whole scenario. Are those states worse off with school funding in general? Are they worse off with government funding? And if not where is their funding going that they aren't putting extra into their schools to make sure their gifted students get a chance to shine?
